Our member Eduardo Tomé reports on the TAKE (Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy) Conference which he co-chaired. TAKE 2016 happened in July 6-8 2016 in Aveiro, Lisboa. It was organized with the collaboration of GOVCOPP Research Centre from Universidade de Aveiro. There were 80 participants, 60 sessions, and 900 pages Proceedings. There were also 3 Keynotes and 3 Special Sessions. Members of IAKM were decisive - Aino Kianto and Constantin Bratianu as keynote speakers, José Maria Viedma in a Special Session. More information is available here: http://www.take-conference.com/ in the page Past Conferences. TAKE 2017 is already in perspective and it will take place between 12 - 14th July in Zagreb. More information can be found here. At least 6 more TAKE conferences are planned, as 6 Universities have offerred to host them. Prospective university candidates can contact the organizers.
Congratulations to our member Constantin Bratianu on his recent book Organizational Knowledge Dynamics: Managing Knowledge Creation, Acquisition, Sharing, and Transformation published by IGI Global. The book discusses the dynamics of knowledge-intensive organizations, whose understanding is a crucial first step in establishing a strong knowledge base for any company. The book introduces the idea that organizational knowledge is composed of three knowledge fields: cognitive knowledge, emotional knowledge, and spiritual knowledge. For further details see here.
February 2024
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