The International Association for Knowledge Management (acronym: IAKM) is a non-profit organization. Its character, purposes, activities, members and board are international, although it is registered under the laws of Italy.
The core Mission of the Association includes aims such as:
- Promoting the scientific development of Knowledge Management (KM), and contributing to establishing its grounds as a scientific discipline
- Diffusing awareness and knowledge of KM, and contributing to its recognition as a field of study
- Providing reference and point of attraction to young researchers or professionals, and acting as an information resource centre
- Favouring education of people undertaking research in KM or working as professionals
- Discussing research priorities in the field on the basis of current and future needs of individuals, organisations and societies
- Promoting collaboration and effective networking not only among individual researchers and professionals, but also groups, companies or institutions involved in KM
These aims will be pursued by means of typical activities, for instance: promoting, organising or sponsoring scientific Conferences; collaborating with high ranking Publishers and Scientific journals; supporting publications such as Books or Special Issues; disseminating information about KM research by means of newsletter, websites or other new media applications; promoting communication among members and other communities on matters of common interest and importance; promoting research projects, either in cooperation with government or private organizations or on its own initiative; promoting education in KM, such as contributing to the organisation of specialist Schools or courses.
The Association is open and can admit individuals on their request.
Members will be people who are considered by the Association as contributing to the advancement of KM research or practice in their respective fields. The qualification criteria for members of the Association and the manner of their admission shall be determined by the Association. All individual members shall be charged membership fees annually. The annual contribution and manner of payment shall be determined by the Association. The Association shall terminate membership on request, if the member is no longer considered to be supporting the goals of the Association or no longer actively represents the field of KM, or if the annual membership fees are not paid.
The Association shall have the following categories of members:
- full members, who possess appropriate academic/educational qualification and research/professional experience in KM as evidenced by significant contributions in terms of publications, research projects, or professional activities. Full members shall have all the privileges of membership, including participation in the IAKM General Assembly, shall be voting members and eligible for holding any office in the IAKM.
- associate members, who do not possess either the appropriate academic/educational background and/or research experience in KM to become a full member, but have an active interest in KM research or in the application of research results in industry. Associate members shall also be students that are enrolled as a full-time graduate, post-graduate or PhD students in fields relevant to KM. Associate members shall have all the privileges of membership, including participation in the IAKM General Assembly, but shall not be a voting member and are ineligible to hold any offices in the IAKM.
The Assembly can also decide to invite Honorary members to join in the Association. Their privileges will be decided by the General Assembly.
All members undertake to promote the interests and reputation of the Association.
The financial support of the Association shall normally consist of: membership fees; contributions from conferences or fees of courses organised by the Association; sponsorships from companies, institutions or non-profit organisations, provided that independence of the Association is fully respected; public funding; any other legal acquisitions such as legacies, gifts, and interest income.
Association members shall meet at least once every year, and shall be convoked by e-mail upon timely notice. Extraordinary meetings can be requested by the Executive Board or by at least one third of full members. The Association can also make virtual assemblies by means of the Internet and Social Media applications, under the condition that agenda, proposals of deliberation and any other useful information have been timely sent to all Association members and that members have the opportunity to discuss the agenda and to give their vote to any deliberation. In particular the General Assembly will:
a. decide upon election rules and other regulations governing the Association’s activities
b. elect President and Executive Board, who will remain in charge for two years
c. decide upon admission criteria of new members, admission of new members, termination of members
d. establish the annual membership fees and approves budget and financial statements.
e. decide upon any changes in this Statute
f. decide upon any controversy that should have been raised between members or between one member and the Association.
Each individual full member of the Association shall have one vote. Decisions will be taken with simple majority of full members participating in the Assembly, with the exception of point e) above that requires a majority of at least two third of full members participating in the Assembly. The General Assembly can also devolve
the power to decide on specific matters (with the exception to those indicated at the previously indicated points) to the President, the Executive Board, or special Scientific Committees or Working Groups.
The President will formally represent the Association in any circumstance, will call and chair the Executive Board meetings, and will chair the General Assembly. The Executive Board shall consist of at least three members, including the President and the immediate Past President of the Association. The Executive Board will organise the General Assembly, prepare proposals to submit to the General Assembly, and prepare budget and balance sheet that will be submitted to the General Assembly. The Executive Board will also take any decision that will be devolved by the General Assembly. President and Executive Board members can be of any nationality.
Members of the first Executive Board, who are to manage the offices of the corporation until the first election are elected by founding members during the foundational Workshop held in Padua, Italy, 16th April, 2012. The founding members have attended the Workshop, have approved and signed this Statute and the Memorandum of Association.
The International Association for Knowledge Management (acronym: IAKM) is a non-profit organization. Its character, purposes, activities, members and board are international, although it is registered under the laws of Italy.
The core Mission of the Association includes aims such as:
- Promoting the scientific development of Knowledge Management (KM), and contributing to establishing its grounds as a scientific discipline
- Diffusing awareness and knowledge of KM, and contributing to its recognition as a field of study
- Providing reference and point of attraction to young researchers or professionals, and acting as an information resource centre
- Favouring education of people undertaking research in KM or working as professionals
- Discussing research priorities in the field on the basis of current and future needs of individuals, organisations and societies
- Promoting collaboration and effective networking not only among individual researchers and professionals, but also groups, companies or institutions involved in KM
These aims will be pursued by means of typical activities, for instance: promoting, organising or sponsoring scientific Conferences; collaborating with high ranking Publishers and Scientific journals; supporting publications such as Books or Special Issues; disseminating information about KM research by means of newsletter, websites or other new media applications; promoting communication among members and other communities on matters of common interest and importance; promoting research projects, either in cooperation with government or private organizations or on its own initiative; promoting education in KM, such as contributing to the organisation of specialist Schools or courses.
The Association is open and can admit individuals on their request.
Members will be people who are considered by the Association as contributing to the advancement of KM research or practice in their respective fields. The qualification criteria for members of the Association and the manner of their admission shall be determined by the Association. All individual members shall be charged membership fees annually. The annual contribution and manner of payment shall be determined by the Association. The Association shall terminate membership on request, if the member is no longer considered to be supporting the goals of the Association or no longer actively represents the field of KM, or if the annual membership fees are not paid.
The Association shall have the following categories of members:
- full members, who possess appropriate academic/educational qualification and research/professional experience in KM as evidenced by significant contributions in terms of publications, research projects, or professional activities. Full members shall have all the privileges of membership, including participation in the IAKM General Assembly, shall be voting members and eligible for holding any office in the IAKM.
- associate members, who do not possess either the appropriate academic/educational background and/or research experience in KM to become a full member, but have an active interest in KM research or in the application of research results in industry. Associate members shall also be students that are enrolled as a full-time graduate, post-graduate or PhD students in fields relevant to KM. Associate members shall have all the privileges of membership, including participation in the IAKM General Assembly, but shall not be a voting member and are ineligible to hold any offices in the IAKM.
The Assembly can also decide to invite Honorary members to join in the Association. Their privileges will be decided by the General Assembly.
All members undertake to promote the interests and reputation of the Association.
The financial support of the Association shall normally consist of: membership fees; contributions from conferences or fees of courses organised by the Association; sponsorships from companies, institutions or non-profit organisations, provided that independence of the Association is fully respected; public funding; any other legal acquisitions such as legacies, gifts, and interest income.
Association members shall meet at least once every year, and shall be convoked by e-mail upon timely notice. Extraordinary meetings can be requested by the Executive Board or by at least one third of full members. The Association can also make virtual assemblies by means of the Internet and Social Media applications, under the condition that agenda, proposals of deliberation and any other useful information have been timely sent to all Association members and that members have the opportunity to discuss the agenda and to give their vote to any deliberation. In particular the General Assembly will:
a. decide upon election rules and other regulations governing the Association’s activities
b. elect President and Executive Board, who will remain in charge for two years
c. decide upon admission criteria of new members, admission of new members, termination of members
d. establish the annual membership fees and approves budget and financial statements.
e. decide upon any changes in this Statute
f. decide upon any controversy that should have been raised between members or between one member and the Association.
Each individual full member of the Association shall have one vote. Decisions will be taken with simple majority of full members participating in the Assembly, with the exception of point e) above that requires a majority of at least two third of full members participating in the Assembly. The General Assembly can also devolve
the power to decide on specific matters (with the exception to those indicated at the previously indicated points) to the President, the Executive Board, or special Scientific Committees or Working Groups.
The President will formally represent the Association in any circumstance, will call and chair the Executive Board meetings, and will chair the General Assembly. The Executive Board shall consist of at least three members, including the President and the immediate Past President of the Association. The Executive Board will organise the General Assembly, prepare proposals to submit to the General Assembly, and prepare budget and balance sheet that will be submitted to the General Assembly. The Executive Board will also take any decision that will be devolved by the General Assembly. President and Executive Board members can be of any nationality.
Members of the first Executive Board, who are to manage the offices of the corporation until the first election are elected by founding members during the foundational Workshop held in Padua, Italy, 16th April, 2012. The founding members have attended the Workshop, have approved and signed this Statute and the Memorandum of Association.