Special issue: Thirty Years Later: A Fresh Look at the Central and Eastern Europe Transformation and its Implications for Institutions, Organizations and Organizational Actors
Our colleague, prof. Elena-Mădălina Vătămănescu, is happy to announce the CfP for a special issue co-edited together with prof. Dan-Cristian Dabija, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania, prof. Andrew Inkpen, Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA and prof. Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University School of Business, Finland.
Continuing the legacy of previous collections on the topic (Organization Studies, 1996; Human Relations, 2007; Journal of International Management, 2008), this special issue seeks to augment the understanding of the current state of transformation in CEE countries and the international management implications for institutions, organizations and organizational actors. The SI envisages papers that examine the influence of recent socio-political and economic developments (e.g. the rise of nationalism, economic sanctions, the changing role of the state, the establishment of new institutional bodies) on business activities in the region and also papers that explore the lasting legacy of the socialist past and its manifestations in these countries.
For further details on the scope and aims of the SI and on the submission process, please visit: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-international-management/call-for-papers/thirty-years-later-a-fresh-look-at-the-central.