Prof. Remko W. Helms

Membership Information
Full member
Member since year: 2012
Professional Information Remko Helms
Utrecht University
Department of Information and Computer Science
Utrecht, The Netherlands
[email protected]
+31 (0)30 253 9763
Open University
Faculty of Computer Science
Heerlen, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Biography Remko Helms is an assistant professor at the Department of Information and Computing Science at Utrecht University, The Netherlands and a full professor in Information Systems at the Open University in Heerlen, The Netherlands. His research focuses on knowledge management and social media with a particular interest in knowledge sharing and transfer practices and structural analysis of (online) communities using social network and content analysis techniques. Publications on this research are published in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals. He serves on program committee of knowledge management and information systems conferences and acts as a reviewer for several major IS conferences, e.g. ECIS and ICIS, and IS journals, e.g. International Journal on Information Management and Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Services to the IS community further include being a department editor for AIS for social media (@AISconnect) and he is a founding member of the International Association of Knowledge Management.
Areas of Interest/Expertise
Research: Knowledge Networks, Online Communities, Knowledge Sharing, Social Media, Social Network Analysis
Teaching: Knowledge Management, ICT Advisory, Strategic Management of Organization and ICT
Professional Affiliations & Activities
Member of the Association of Information Systems (since 2004.
Relevant/recent publications
Kok, A. de., Bellefroid, B. & Helms, R.W., 2013, “Knowledge Sharing and Channel Choice: Effects of the New Way of Working”, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Kaunas, Lithuania. (nominated best paper).
Kristjánsson, B., Helms, R. W., & Brinkkemper, S., 2012, “Integration by communication: knowledge exchange in global outsourcing of product software development”, Expert Systems – The Journal of Knowledge Engineering
Helms, R. W., Diemer, D., & Lichtenstein, S., 2011, “Exploring barriers in expertise seeking: Why don’t they ask an expert?”, Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information System (PACIS’11) (p. paper 77). Presented at the PACIS 2011, Brisbane, Australia. (best paper nomination)
Further Information
Full member
Member since year: 2012
Professional Information Remko Helms
Utrecht University
Department of Information and Computer Science
Utrecht, The Netherlands
[email protected]
+31 (0)30 253 9763
Open University
Faculty of Computer Science
Heerlen, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Biography Remko Helms is an assistant professor at the Department of Information and Computing Science at Utrecht University, The Netherlands and a full professor in Information Systems at the Open University in Heerlen, The Netherlands. His research focuses on knowledge management and social media with a particular interest in knowledge sharing and transfer practices and structural analysis of (online) communities using social network and content analysis techniques. Publications on this research are published in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals. He serves on program committee of knowledge management and information systems conferences and acts as a reviewer for several major IS conferences, e.g. ECIS and ICIS, and IS journals, e.g. International Journal on Information Management and Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Services to the IS community further include being a department editor for AIS for social media (@AISconnect) and he is a founding member of the International Association of Knowledge Management.
Areas of Interest/Expertise
Research: Knowledge Networks, Online Communities, Knowledge Sharing, Social Media, Social Network Analysis
Teaching: Knowledge Management, ICT Advisory, Strategic Management of Organization and ICT
Professional Affiliations & Activities
Member of the Association of Information Systems (since 2004.
Relevant/recent publications
Kok, A. de., Bellefroid, B. & Helms, R.W., 2013, “Knowledge Sharing and Channel Choice: Effects of the New Way of Working”, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Kaunas, Lithuania. (nominated best paper).
Kristjánsson, B., Helms, R. W., & Brinkkemper, S., 2012, “Integration by communication: knowledge exchange in global outsourcing of product software development”, Expert Systems – The Journal of Knowledge Engineering
Helms, R. W., Diemer, D., & Lichtenstein, S., 2011, “Exploring barriers in expertise seeking: Why don’t they ask an expert?”, Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information System (PACIS’11) (p. paper 77). Presented at the PACIS 2011, Brisbane, Australia. (best paper nomination)
Further Information